Saturday, December 10, 2011

Habits: What Are They?

What is a habit? defines a habit as "A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition."  It also states a habit is an addiction.  I find the unconscious part of the definition interesting because I see people using their unconscious systems all the time to move from one place to the next. 

When we stand up to go outside we don't have to think about how to move.  No one pauses to contemplate exactly how they are going to stand to move unless they have a problem moving.  Once we learn how to walk, we do it so much that it becomes unconscious...just like habits. 

We don't have to stop to think about things like tying our shoes, brushing our teeth, preparing our breakfast or taking a shower.  The only reason we have to pause to give thought to these activities is if something has changed that would render our habit no longer helpful. 

We have habits that help us complete tasks, but what about habits that help us communicate with one another and ourselves?  How do habits impact the way we think?  How do habits impact the way we feel about ourselves and those around us?

When it comes to growing, making progress, getting stronger, building emotional, mental, spiritual and physical health, I believe we need to pause to look at the habits we are currently relying upon to survive.  We also need to be mindful regarding the new habits we form.

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