Saturday, May 9, 2015

Love surpasses knowledge!

Do you ever feel intense pressure to make Mother's Day just right?  How do you honor someone adequately who has such an influential part on all our lives as Mothers?  To make my wife's Mother's day as good as possible, I thought I would get advice from our kids.  I asked them, "what do you think we should get Mommy to show her we love her and to surprise her in honor of Mother's day?"  My six-year-old, Isaac, quickly volunteered the idea that we should buy her a four wheeler.  My four-year-old, Rachel, suggested we buy her earrings, a necklace, and flowers.   My two-year-old, Liam, added that he thought we should buy her a chicken! 

As silly as some of their ideas were, they were motivated out of love.  No matter what we would have given Amanda, even if it was a chicken, she would have lovingly accepted it…because of how much she loves her kids.  In fact, we often here it said that “there is no greater love than the love of a mother for her children.”  

While mothers certainly have a huge capacity to love,  there is even a greater love!  The love God has for us.  In Ephesians 3:18-19, Paul prays we will know this love.  He prays we will have the power to know how wide, how long, how high and how deep is the love of Christ and to know His love that surpasses knowledge.   

This kind of love is amazingly vast.  Huge love!  I heard the amount of love that Christ has for us is similar to the amount of water available in the ocean for a sea bird.  All the small sips it will take from the ocean in it's life span will never come close to sipping all the water it has available in the ocean.  All our attempts to understand Christ's love will never come close to grasping how great it is.  This morning as we take communion together, I encourage you to pray that He will help you know His love that surpasses knowledge.