Saturday, April 9, 2016

What Does Easter Mean To You? By: Adrianne Krauss

I am pleased to share a beautiful poem my extremely talented and phenomenal cousin, Adrianne Krauss, wrote.  She is an outstanding person and a wonderful roll model for all.  Enjoy:
What Does Easter Mean To You?

What does Easter mean to you?

is this just a thing we do?

how is it Easter came to be

the greatest day in history?

a cross, a cave, and three daystime

changed the course of humankind

a man who didnt live for fame

or to start a religion in his name

who came to heal the sick and dying

to feed the hungry and stop the fighting

until one day, the whole worlds loss

they hung the healer on a cross

what do we make of this famous story?

the biggest fraud or the greatest glory?

is it just a myth that someone wrote

to give a generation hope?

what makes us care about the death

of one poor soul from Nazareth?

he loved the ones who hated him

this gentle soul from Bethlehem

why should we follow willingly

a carpenter from Galilee?

across the world hes loved and hated

his true identity debated


Said this man from Nazareth,

Ill save you from your earthly death

he faced the worst reality

they nailed his body to a tree

and took our sins so willingly

upon himself, to set us free

a mother sees her lifeless son

he breathes no more, his work is done

then darkness filled the day and night

it seemed this man had lost the fight

see them bring his body down

and remove the bloodied, thorny crown

transported to a tomb at night

this figure bound in linen white

his body placed into a cave

a lonely, hopeless, simple grave

a massive stone was rolled to hide

the door that held the man inside

then something happened no one expected

human history redirected

even though we had no clue

God always knew what he would do

see three daystime pass by and then

this dead man wakes and walks again

the stone was rolled, a tomb no more

Jesus alive as he was before

early dawn, third day has started

enter the women, broken-hearted

the empty grave scares them to death

where was the man from Nazareth?

an angel of the Lord drew near

and told the women do not fear

those chilling words still in their ear:

he isnt here.

he isnt here.


When Jesus died he took with him

our hopeless fate, our crushing sin

ascended up to heaven bright

to sit with the Father, to his right

to intercede for you and me

so we in him are safe and free


so fear no more of earthly strife

of things that rob us of this life

a truth that shakes us to the core

death is dead and reigns no more

I ask you now, what is your view?

what does Easter mean to you?

ask the drunkard, sober now

ask the adulterer, faithful now

ask the despairing, hopeful now

ask the addict, healing now

ask the sick who are praising him

ask the hungry, fed by him

ask the weak who are strong in him

ask the prisoner, freed by him

what Easter means to them


A king is reaching out to you

as any loving king would do

so asks this king from Galilee,

if you wont be mine, then whose will you be?

the smallest faith will set you free

take up your cross and follow me

truth isnt something you can kill

he loved you then, and always will

faith is what we cannot see

and faith has solved this mystery

the man who died upon the cross

knew no one else could rescue us

he conquered death to save his friends

Easter is a love story that never ends

I was blind, but now I see

he is risen, risen for you and me.