Sunday, June 5, 2011

Angry people make noise; happy people remain silent

I recall a leadership project my wife and I participated in a while back.  It was challenging because it involved raising money for a non-profit organization.  One of the instructions we received was to look for opportunities to celebrate.  The idea was to celebrate the good times...take time to focus on things that make us happy through celebration!

Now, as I continue reading our parenting book 123 Magic for Christian Parents, the authors state, "Angry people make noise; happy people remain silent."  They state our praise to our kids should out number our negative comments by a ratio of 4:1.   They bring to mind the following scripture, "Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."  Eph 4:29  In summary, these thoughts remind me of the need to look for opportunities to celebrate the great things that are going on in the lives of my family.

The authors state that praise in front of other people and unexpected praise is most effective for building self- esteem.

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