Monday, October 24, 2011

"Life begins where your comfort zone

ends!"  My cousin just shared this statement with me on facebook and I believe it to be true.  I remember our campus minister in college sharing that we needed to be uncomfortable with our comfortableness.

I know as a physical therapist, the only way to build a muscle up is to make it do what it is not comfortable doing.  So, plow ahead!  Go against the flow!  We only live once.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Consistency Muscle

"The signature of mediocrity, is chronic inconsistency."  Jim Collins made this comment at the recent Catalyst convention in Atlanta, Georgia.  Consistency can be difficult, but it is more difficult if we haven't worked at being consistent on a consistent basis.  In other words, I think there is a consistency muscle.  The more we work at being consistent, the more easy it is to be consistent.  As we grow, consistency in tougher situations is much more likely.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pin your ears back

and go.  I remember my high school football coach telling me that during pre-game warm ups.  The idea was that you just go for it.  Don't hold back.  Don't let fear keep you from accomplishing what you have prepared to accomplish.  Take everything you have done to prepare over the last several months, let go, have fun and go baby! 

I think that in life we need to pin our ears back and go.  Life is too short to miss out on great experiences and opportunities because of being timid or lazy.  We gotta live while we can.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


I don't think I knew what this word really meant until a little over two years ago.  One of the most meaningful journeys of our lives took a detour...yes, we were deported from another country.  It's sad to say that we didn't catch the date error on our Visas prior to traveling half way around the world... 

I learned so many valuable lessons from that experience, but one of the most important lessons I learned is DON'T EVER GIVE UP!  If you believe that there is something you are meant to do, then do whatever it takes to get the job done.  Don't give up.  Don't waver.  Keep fighting.  Keep trying.  Stay focused.  For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self discipline.  (2 Timothy 1:7)

So glad we GOTCHA!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9-11 and emotional stewardship

I can't believe it has been 10 years since 9-11.  My heart is heavy with sadness for all the families who lost loved ones and for those who endured the terror of that day.   I am amazed by the stories of the individuals who sacrificed their lives to save others.  In such times of fear and terror, those individuals demonstrated an outstanding ability to keep their emotions in control. 

A buddy of mine posted a note about emotional maturity on his facebook page.  It was very interesting and it made me think about individuals who are able to control their emotions in tough times.  It made realize that these individuals are really good stewards of their emotions.  They use their emotional energy wisely.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Clarity, courage and an irrisistible urge to act

We prayed for these three attributes several years ago.  The result was that we were led into one of the best adventures and activities of our lives.  Thanks Andy Stanley for talking about this in your "Heroes" Podcast series.