Christmas trivia based on our communion song: The First Noel
What is noel? Christmas/first birth
Who were two major groups of people who came to visit Jesus when he was a baby?
Shepherds: Jewish and very poor
Wisemen: “Pagan”- Non-Jewish, likely very wealthy and very wise.
What were they looking for?
How did they hear about Jesus?
Shepherds- Angels- The angels were their sign.
Wisemen- Star- The star was their sign.
Have you ever needed a sign? Like the lyrics, “I need a sign to let me know you’re here.”
The shepherds knew a day would come when Jesus would arrive. They waited 400 years! The Wisemen also were waiting based on prophecy from Daniel.
Here is the point: Jesus came for the poorest of the poor in finances and spirit and the richest of the rich, not only in finances but spirit. Not only did he come for those people in the extreme places, but for everyone in between.
I am not sure where this morning finds you. Maybe you are flying high loving the season, or maybe you are facing times of extreme difficulty. I bet we all have something in common with the shepherds and the Wisemen. The shepherds and Wisemen needed a sign. They asked, “where are you, God?”
Maybe, you are like many of the people before Jesus was born. They just needed a sign. They needed a sign to know that God was real and loved them. Jesus coming is your sign. Have you ever wondered what God was like? How can you truly know God? Jesus' birth was a gift. We can know what God is like because he took manly form through Jesus. He is our sign!
This week, I want to challenge you to read through John. When reading, ask yourself, what was God like? I did that to prepare for communion. The first miracle God turned water into wine. Not only did he defy the elements of water by turning them into wine, but did you know he used the water that everyone washed their hands with? He converted the dirty disgusting water into something beautiful that helped people celebrate life’s beautiful moments.
As we focus on communion this morning, focus on three things:
Jesus died for you and wants a relationship with you no matter where you are: poor or rich in spirit
Jesus is God. We can know God by getting to know Jesus through reading his word.
Jesus can transform us like he transformed the dirty filthy water into something completely new and life-giving.