Friday, March 22, 2024

Try Softer

I provided the following talk on 3-21-24 to the Strength for the Journey team at Aultman. Thanks to John Ortberg for the inspiration and content for this talk. 

Thank you for having me. Thank you to Terry, Joy, Janice, and the team. This afternoon I want to share something that has been on my mind for about two years. What I am going to share I believe holds the key to a fulfilling life. 

This afternoon, my goal is to give one simple thought to provide strength for your journey today. This thought is super memorable. It is highly likely to change your life.

Have you ever tried really hard to make a relationship work, or make loved ones, friends, or colleagues like and accept you, but failed?

Is there an endeavor, a project, a goal, a task that you want to accomplish and you are trying with all of your might, but you just can’t get it right?

Are you trying really hard to sleep or to have faith, but you are just failing?

If you are trying as hard as you can, but not getting where you would like to be, here is something you could consider. Try softer.

As a high school wrestler in the 90s on a team that won the NBC championship five years in a row, we prided ourselves in trying harder than everyone else. We resolved to work harder than any opponent and our practices were grueling. During practices, the wrestling mats would be so covered in sweat that we would slip on all of the water. I know this may sound dramatic, but I honestly felt like I was going to a place like hell every day after school. As a high school sophomore, I would try so hard, but I would fail. Not only would I fail, but I would get beat up, exhausted, and find it hard to even want to wake up the next day. Saturday morning practices were the worst. They would begin at 8:00 and would be a harder version of everything we endured the week before. Well, one Saturday morning was different. Somehow I remember transforming into a carefree happy, ornery way of thinking about practice, young man. I went into this mode where I could stay loose, laugh, and I had a grin on my face. I remember my eyebrows being raised. I remember feeling like I wasn’t trying hard at all, but here is the crazy thing….I was winning. I was fast, quick to react. I was able to get into and out of positions that made me unstoppable. Guys that would usually crush me and everyone else in their path were not able to beat me. I went from hating Saturday mornings to being happy and no worries. The crazy thing, everyone around me was both shocked and really mad and annoyed at the same time. My performance was outstanding and I didn’t know what happened. Instead of trying harder to be a better wrestler, I was able to shift into this more laid-back wrestler who was still working hard, but I was just almost allowing something to flow through me to be more reflexive and less cognitive. I suppose you could say I had unlocked the code to learn how to try softer.

I see this in my patients. Something goes wrong with their balance system so they try harder to have good balance. They tighten all of their muscles and try to control each movement and each step. You know what happens? They become hypersensitive. They feel more. They start to think that normal sway and normal movement are abnormal. Their system becomes overheated because they are trying to control a bodily function which is balance, that was never meant to be controlled. Balance is reflexive. Unconscious. Instead of trying harder, I have to teach them to try softer. 

Many of my thoughts in the next few minutes come directly from John Ortberg. John is a pastor who speaks from his heart. He has endured many challenges and I find his transparency to be just what the doctor ordered.

A pastor who heard John Ortberg’s sermon on Try Softer preached about it at his church. His 8-year-old granddaughter was visiting from out of town and listened to his sermon. He often wondered what she heard when he was preaching. The day after he preached he took his granddaughter and family to the airport to go home. His daughter couldn’t get the luggage handle to retract so he tried. He was forcing and pushing hard. When everyone was frustrated, his granddaughter stated, “Try softer” Grandpa. He relaxes his grip, and pushes the button gently, Wouldn’t you know? The luggage handle retracted beautifully. 

John tells the story of trying to lead for everything he is worth when he first began his ministry. Working extra hard. Working over. Supervise. Challenge. Come in early. Stay late. Exhausted. Someone came in and told John he was working and trying very hard. Here is my advice for you. “Try softer.” 

John goes on to state that sometimes trying harder, more strain, and more work, just begins to feel contrived and ineffective. You are not at your best. You are not natural. He states, “If trying harder is not getting you where you want to go, try softer.

trying softer doesn’t mean trying is a bad thing. The ability to exercise effort is a glorious capacity God has given us. But if trying harder is not getting you where you want to go, here is something you might try. Try softer. Instead of white-knuckling, teeth-gritting, clenched fists, more effortful, trying to be in control.

A thought that John gave in his talk that has really struck me personally is that “control is the master addiction.”

To kind of summarize this main point is this. “The kind of trying that doesn’t do us good is when we are trying to control what we are not able to control.”

Ancient greeks. Painter appellas. Trying to paint foam from horse's mouth when the horse is running. Tried, tried, tried.  Couldn’t do it. Threw a sponge for cleaning his brushes against painting and that sponge created what he could not do. When he quit trying so hard, it happened.

We all know this. Athletics. There is a moment where trying to hit a serve harder actually reaches a point of diminishing returns. Playing a piece of music doesn’t cut it. Trying hard to impress someone actually makes you less yourself. So then, try softer.

Again, what exhausts us is not effort. Capacity for effort is good. What is exhausting is when we try to control, what we are not able to control 

  1. I want to take a moment to reflect by making a statement and then asking a question:  Trying softer means learning how to control only those things that you can control. 

Reflection: Can you think of a time when you were in a state of letting go. When you were able to loosen your grip. Knowing you were doing your best, but you weren’t trying to control the outcome? What was that like? How did you get there?

  1. What is your greatest barrier to trying softer?

    1. For me, it is probably my habitual need for control- the outcome will be the way I want it to be.

      1. Control is the master addiction

      2. Anyone addicted to feeling safe. 

      3. Why is control so addicting?

      4. Which personalities are more susceptible?

      5. We quickly forget that there are some things we just can’t control

        1. I think it is because we have habitual ways of thinking we can control everything.

Leslie Farmer, a college scholar, states that we live in the age of disordered will. Two realms of the will:

  1. Objects we can control by choosing

  2. Goals/trajectories/outcomes that we cannot control. 

Can will knowledge, but not wisdom, can will going to bed, but not going to sleep. Have you ever tried really hard to go to sleep? I can will eating, but not hunger, bravado, but not courage, religiosity, but not faith. 

(In summary, while religiosity focuses on the outward expression of religious beliefs through practices and adherence to religious traditions, faith is an inward conviction or trust in something greater, which may or may not be tied to organized religion. One can be highly religious without necessarily having strong faith, and vice versa.)

(In summary, while bravado may involve a superficial display of confidence or boldness for the sake of appearances, courage involves a sincere willingness to confront fear or adversity, driven by inner strength and conviction.)

William James noted there are certain endeavors like a name you are trying to remember and the harder you try you can’t remember, but when you give up it just comes. It just comes when you try softer.

That is a picture of grace.

  1. The ability to try is a good thing. Give examples of things where trying is helpful and when trying is not helpful

    1. Try to create a restful environment, but you can’t try to sleep

    2. Try to make your muscles stronger, but you can't try to have balance. 

    3. Try to make your heart healthy, but you can’t try to make your heartbeat

    4. Can eat lots of carats for better eye health, but you can’t try to make your eyes see.

  1. The mystery of trying softer involves a daily ability to reboot our default mode to be in control

    1. Let go and let God

    2. How do you do it?

    3. How long does it take?

Jesus Matthew 11. Religious people sent the message to try harder to believe in God, Try harder to be a more spiritual person. Try harder to be more faithful. When he came to people who were exhausted from trying really hard.  Jesus said come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart. And you will find rest for your souls. My yoke is easy and my burden is light. 

Jesus said, if you If you are tired, come to me and I will give you rest. Take my yoke.

This is interesting. Jesus says he will give us rest by giving us a burden. A yoke is an instrument of burden and work. Ortberg states “He doesn’t say I will give you Valium or a trip to Vegas because we were made to contribute, but we wear ourselves out trying to contribute.”

The commandments were a great gift to Israel, but the Rabis had to try to figure out how to apply them to life. We all have a yoke- The yoke is a way of life. We do this. We try to do everything just right. We consult experts. Did you know that if you take all the advice from experts it would be literally impossible to function? If you add up:


                        How much time do all the sleep experts say you should sleep a day

Health experts say you should work on health-related activities a day

Financial experts say you should manage finances a day

Parenting experts say you should be parents

Vocational how much time do you spend at work

Totalled up= 36 hours a day to be perfect. Impossible. 

So. We have to understand that everyone has a yoke. The question is whose yoke will you choose. Jesus says my Yoke is easy.

Ortberg states that transformation from the inside means learning to rely on God’s power, not on my own power. It begins with surrender. “I can’t, He can. I will learn to let him. Your will be done.”

Good carpenters go to a farm and build a yoke that is specific to the stronger more experienced animal. Hole may be different so the stronger animal can bear the heavier weight.

Jesus was a good carpenter. We don’t bear it on our own. Neither do you. John states, “That is why I don’t have to go through life with my teeth clenched, my brow furrowed, my muscles all tensed up.”

Amazing things happen when you relax. 

Father, help us to relax and take it easy.

So today, John states, “Try softer.

When it comes to your relationship with God, don’t try harder to have more faith. John tells a story of fainting twice because he was trying so hard in his early days. Just try harder to trust God? You ever try harder to have faith? Try softer.

Don’t try harder to get more done faster. You can’t control time. You can’t control traffic. You can’t control your computer freezing, the wifi going down, the person coming late to the meeting. Try softer.

Today in your relationships. Instead of trying to manage and control your friends, your relatives, your spouse, your x, your kids, your colleagues, your parents. Let them be them. Let them worry about them. Try softer.

Today at work instead of obsessing about that email, that project…try softer.

That is the easy yoke. 

One day at a time.

Practical application:

So this is easier said than done. It is wonderful to hear, but another thing to practice. If you are like me, you might have times when you do well at focusing on only the things you can control. However, the lines become blurry. It is easy to become exhausted because we lose focus and we try to control everything. 

“Life is like an obstacle course. each challenge requires its own unique balance of skill, timing, and focus. So don’t expect to conquer new obstacles using the same old strategies. Make sure to update your approach.” Calm App 

We need to continually update our approach by learning to work on controlling the controllables.

Application step one: 

  1. Recognize we have to train to learn to give God control of things we cannot control. Giving over control does not come naturally. It is not our default mode. Did you know that oxen have to be trained to work in a yoke?

    1. We aren’t doing life alone. We have to learn to allow Jesus, the Holy Spirit, God to take the lead and share the burden.

How do we do that?

  1. Take an inventory. Write it down. Learn upon which things we have influence. Control the controllables.

    1. For instance, I can come to work prepared. I can learn. I can do my best. 

    2. I can’t control others' responses to me. I can’t control the weather which can make patients cancel, the building mechanicals- the air conditioning the heater. I can’t miraculously heal diseases. I can manage diseases. I can’t miraculously heal people, but I can help create the optimal environment for them to heal.

    3. I can provide concepts of healing to people, I can teach them what to do, but I can’t understand it for them and I can’t force them to practice healing ways of life.

      1. Make a prayer journal of the controllables in your life. Ask God for guidance and to help you do your best with the things of which he has given you control. 

      2. Ask for miracles and healing with those things that you cannot control.

  1. Make a new habit or continue to build the habit of trusting God.

    1. The habit of trusting ourselves and counting on our hard work to fix all problems and prevent all problems is hard to break.

      1. Step one: Be honest. Upon which God are you placing your trust?

        1. Trusting the wrong God will cause failure. 

        2. Trusting the God of money to fix everything will cause a false sense of security because money cannot fix everything, stocks fall, prices go up, and money eventually runs out. 

        3. The God of health to make it all better is not dependable because we are all human. 

        4. The God of safety only exists until it doesn’t. 

  1. Step two: Cultivate a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute, second-by-second relationship with the God who is powerful overall. The God who will not fail us. Learn to talk to him and turn over the moments and events that you cannot control. Trying softer means more of Him and less of you. I can’t. He can. I will learn to let him. How?

    1.  This really happens through prayer. 

      1. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done.

        1. Father: Love me. Patient. Kind. Etc

        2. Art in heaven: Not bound to earthly father examples or rules. Supernatural power to overcome and do anything

        3. Hallowed be thy name: Unlike any God. Set apart.

        4. Thy kingdom come/thy will be done

          1. Not about me. More of you. Less of me.

      2. Fasting:

        1. From phone

        2. From apps- stock market ticker. One of my Gods is money. I look to money to provide security.


  1. Step 3:

    1. Learn how to relax muscles you don’t need on physically. Scanning through sign breathing/gathering energy.

Conclusion: Trying softer is simple to say. Harder to do. Takes practice. Not our default. As we find strength in our journey together we will have more moments with him and less with us. We will be at peace. So remember this:  God did not take the fire away from Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, he was there with them and that seemed to make the fire cooler. Jesus didn’t take the apostles out of the boat, he stayed in the boat with them and that seemed to calm the storm. God did not take Goliath away from David, he was with him which seemed to help as he threw the stone. He didn’t take the flood away, but he directed the ark, he didn’t take the hunger away from the crowd, but he provided bread and fish. 

Trying harder means doing life alone and trying to control what you cannot control. Instead. Try softer.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

A Mighty Mantra

Max Lucado wrote a powerful daily affirmation I want to explore to help us prepare for communion. We will look at three major pillars of truth we can control in this mantra:

“Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. To these, I commit my day. If I succeed, I will give thanks. If I fail, I will seek his grace. And then, when this day is done, I will place my head on my pillow and rest.”

First, he commits his day to, “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” What does he do if he succeeds?  If I succeed, I will what?

  • A.  Create an Instagram shrine dedicated to my accomplishments? 

  • B.  Hastily move on to the next item of concern forgetting God’s blessings?

Nope, I'll just humble myself and give thanks.  I will make it clear Christ is in control. 

  • Jesus is the hand, and I am the glove. I can’t, but He can. I will learn to let him. 

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. To these, I commit my day. If I succeed, I will give thanks. If I fail, I will seek his grace. And then, when this day is done, I will place my head on my pillow and rest.

We give him thanks for his success. What do I do if I fail?  If I fail, I will:

  • A.  Wallow in a nice big warm pool of self-pity

  • B.  Question my life choices, or 

  • C.  Blame the dog (or cat) for my misfortune. 

Nope, If I fail I will seek his grace. After all, even the dog and cat deserve a break! 

What is His grace? Undeserved favor from God. Undeserved kindness from God

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. To these, I commit my day. If I succeed, I will give thanks. If I fail, I will seek his grace. And then, when this day is done, I will place my head on my pillow and rest.

  • At the end of the day, I will place my head on my pillow, and what?

    • A,  Ruminate on my failures? 

    • B. Overthink what I said that I shouldn’t have said.

Nope. I will place my head on my pillow and rest. Easier said than done, but with His help, we can! Communion is about reflecting on who we are in Christ. We check our hearts. We praise him for victories. We pray for forgiveness. We celebrate his grace. Then we rest in His arms. 

Let’s pray: Help us live with this kind of powerful mindfulness and integrity. Jesus helps us focus on life-changing qualities like love, joy, peace, and patience, kindness, and self-control. Father, we recognize that we're all fallible. Help us embrace your grace when we falter so that we might grow into resilient representatives for you. Father, might we be able to rest our heads at night knowing that you rule and are in control?

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Opportunity to Draw Near

What do we take for granted? What are some things or people that we fail to properly appreciate or notice? For instance:

  1. Air conditioning (in cars/ homes): I remember fans in windows as kids

  2. Indoor bathrooms- People had outhouses in cold temps like this!

  3. Be able to listen to whatever song you want whenever you want- Used to have to sit by our radio with cassette waiting for our favorite song to come on to hit record

  4. Our internet is out right now and it is such a pain. 

  5. Being able to drive or fly anywhere you want within days.

  6. Electricity! Have a power outage and see how much you appreciate being able to take a shower, cook food in the microwave, or turn on a light.

  7. My wife: Amazing! 

Could you imagine living in the 1800s or earlier and coming to the 2020s? Your minds would be blown. The list is extensive in Christianity. As we prepare for communion, I ask for you to join me in reading Hebrews 10:19-22: 

19 Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, 21 and since we have a great priest over the house of God, 22 let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.

Could you imagine life before Jesus? The only way you could reach the Holy of Holies (or intimacy with God) was if you were a high priest and once a year you would pass the curtain in the temple to have a once-in-a-year opportunity to be near God.

When Christ died, that curtain was torn so that we could approach God (our amazingly beyond imagination creator) and be with Him every second of every day. We now have regular opportunities to draw near to Him! 

Having communion weekly has been criticized by some because people say the higher frequency will cause us to take its meaning for granted. May that never be the case! May it be a strongly anticipated moment where the weekly reminders only strengthen our relationship with Him! Would you pray with me?

Jesus, thank you for being God and being our connection to God. Holy Spirit, thank you for interceding for us when we can’t find the words. Father, now, help us not to miss the significance of this moment with you. Help us appreciate faith, hope, and love. Faith: Faith means being sure of the things we hope for. And faith means knowing that something is real even if we do not see it. Hope: That you will come through. Hope for miracles. Love: that we will grow in our abilities to be patient, kind, not envious or boastful, or rude, not self-seeking, and not keep a record of wrongs. Always trust, hope, always persevere. Help us to never fail. More of you. Less of us.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

The Power of the Proper Point of View

This morning, as we prepare for communion, I want to reflect on the power of the proper point of view. As a kid, I never went deer hunting. Growing up, I was always fascinated whenever I would see a deer in the wild. As I became older and would run on trails in the woods, seeing deer was always breathtaking and a "God" moment. Therefore, when I came to church a few weeks ago and saw this picture of these two deer (a doe and a buck), you can imagine my shock when my point of view changed. 

My perspective on this picture changed because my 11-year-old son took up deer hunting. Therefore, the prior two months, I had been learning everything I could and purchasing everything needed to go deer hunting. The morning before seeing this picture, we saw several deer and almost had a shot at a few bucks. Now, seeing this picture reminded me of what we missed the day before and I began contemplating how we might do things differently when we see them again.

Realizing my perspective had changed reminded me of another story told by Steven Covey. It is the story of two men in a subway. It is 6 AM and an older man is on his way to work. He has not yet had his coffee and is not a morning person. Another younger man gets on the subway with two little boys appearing to be around the age of 5 years old. They look as though they have not slept and are running, jumping, yelling, and being very unruly. When the older man can't take it anymore, he finally says to the younger man, "Why don't you control your kids?" The younger man gasps and apologizes stating, "I am sorry. I am at a loss. We have been at the hospital all night and were just told their mother is not going to make it." The older man's attitude completely changes. He goes from wanting to put the man and kids in their place to wanting to do anything to help.

Christmas brings about challenging times with relationships. This morning, as we prepare for communion I want to encourage you to reflect on God's perspective. He loved us so much that he died for us. Despite our sins, he died for us. His law is love and His gospel is peace. Let's pray:

Father, thank you for loving us even though we don't deserve it. As we eat and drink at your table, we praise you for your unconditional love and for forgiving us of our sins. Father, help us. As we prepare for a season of family gatherings, there are lots of emotions. Help us to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. Help us to make every effort to do what is right in the eyes of everyone and to live at peace with everyone. Help us have the right point of view. Helps us to see others the way you see us. In Jesus' name. Amen

Sunday, October 22, 2023

When Two Truths Are In Conflict With One Another

As we prepare for communion this morning, I want to ask a question: how do you handle two things being true at once when they are in conflict with each other? 

Imagine having a brother and a sister and being a young adult. You all grew up with Jesus and are extremely close friends. You have come to know Jesus as the real deal! He is the most loving person you have ever met. It has been amazing to witness and hear of all of his miracles. There was the time he turned water into wine, the time he fed 5000 with a few loaves of bread and pieces of fish, the times he calmed the storm and walked on water, and you can’t forget the time he made the blind man see, and one of your personal favorites was when he arranged for a fish to be caught with a coin in it’s mouth to pay taxes. You can’t resist asking him monthly to repeat that one to help pay off your loan on the donkey you bought a year ago!

Sadly, Jesus is away when your brother gets sick and declines fast. He declines so fast that he suddenly dies. You seek the help of Jesus by having a friend find him to notify him and ask for Jesus to return. You wait. One day goes by and you wonder if Jesus got your message. Two days go by, but you know better than to give up hope in Jesus. 

With each passing hour, your heart is breaking, your emotions are getting stronger, and you feel torn. You battle feelings of trying to just want to be with Jesus during this difficult time and with selfish feelings that you want him to come and fix this problem. You are not sure how, but you believe Jesus can heal your brother, you just aren’t sure if he will. Then, another day passes. You find yourself in agony over the loss and confusion about where one of your best friends has gone.

As we prepare for communion this morning, I want to ask how you handle two conflicting truths? You are doing the best you can, but things just aren’t working. You love Jesus, but you keep failing. You are praying for healing, but sickness remains. You know Jesus is always with you, but you feel alone. You need a miracle, but he doesn’t seem to be answering your prayers. 

I want to remind you that Jesus died because of two conflicting truths. God loves us more than we can imagine, but he can’t tolerate our sins. Fortunately, Jesus worked out this dissonance through his death on our behalf.

Before we pray and take communion, imagine one more time. Imagine being there, when Jesus arrives. You are frozen with emotion and cannot move. Your sister runs out to greet him. But then he calls you to him. Imagine him weeping with you over your sorrow. You realize the creator of this amazing earth cares so much to weep when you weep. Then, imagine the exhilaration when he heals your brother. Impossible! He brings your brother back to life! 

Let’s pray:

Father, as we come to your table this morning, we are in awe reflecting on your miracles like raising Lazarus from the dead and for conquering death. Thank you for weeping when we weep. We confess our sins. Just like Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, help us to have faith knowing that your ways are best and that you are in control. Right now, we acknowledge you as the resurrection and the life. We know that when we believe in you, we will live, even though we die; and as we live by believing in you that we will never die.