Sunday, June 18, 2023

Earthly Father Vs. Heavenly Father

Happy Father’s Day. 

As we prepare for communion, I want to very briefly focus on two things. 

#1. The difference between earthly fathers and our heavenly father

#2 How our Father in heaven yearns for the most meaningful relationship with us.

First- The difference between earthly fathers and our heavenly father. In short, Dad fails. Have you ever experienced a Dad fail? 

For instance, like when you let your two-year-old daughter fall on a pile of bricks leading to stitches in the lip, or when your wife prepares an awesome breakfast for you and your three kids while she is away with simple instructions to take the lid off of the pyrex container and put it in the oven, but you don’t read the instructions and assume since it is pyrex you can just put the whole thing in the oven without taking the lid off. We all know earthly fathers fail. 

Remember this, when Jesus teaches us to pray, He states to start with our Father, who art in heaven. That is a reminder that we are not praying to our imperfect earthly fathers, we are praying to the perfect and most powerful father. The creator.

That leads us to the second point preparing for communion. This second point is most impactful to me right now. Since school has been out, Rachel and I have been taking nighttime walks. We talk about life and joke about silly things. Then we have a tradition of commenting on how huge the neighbor's oak tree is before we return to the house.

Here is the point, when Jesus teaches us to pray, he starts with Our Father. When he did that, Jesus called God, Abba. Literally, that term is the most intimate term to imply he is our Daddy. He wants to know us. He wants to go for walks with us. He wants to hear things that make us happy and sad. He wants to be there for us. He wants our hearts, not perfection.

Let’s pray: Our Father- that means you are patient and kind. You are not self-seeking, you keep no record of wrongs, you always protect, always trust, and always persevere. You are good and you are gentle with us. You discipline you guide, you are our strength and shield. We take a moment to confess our sins and celebrate you as our Father. We remember your love for us through the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus.

In Jesus' name, Amen

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Mother's Day Communion Meditation

To all of the awesome ladies out there who are positive influencers, thank you for being awesome. The older I get, the more I appreciate all that you do. I read a sign that said, “Mom- chaos coordinator” and thought, yes, that is definitely one of their roles. I heard someone say, “The three most important letters in baseball and softball are not RBI, ERA, or AVG. They are MOM!” The older I get, the more I appreciate my mother as well. 

As we prepare for communion this morning, I thought about what my Mom had taught me about communion. I realized that one of my best memories of my Mom is not only the great meals she would cook or the way she loved letting us have friends over and parties, but it is the way she prioritized communion. 

My mom prioritized three things with communion: First: do it regularly; Second, prepare for communion; and Three, don’t take it unless your mind is in the right place to keep it relational with Christ.

First: To do it regularly, Acts 20:7 early believers would meet the first day of the week to gather and break bread- would make every effort to be at church, but would take it at home or on the road as a family.

Second: Preparing for communion meant keeping our minds on Christ on Sunday mornings.   She encouraged us to prepare for communion from the time we woke up. There was no tv on Sunday mornings. No video games. She reminded us of the importance of what it represents. The goal was to prepare our minds to be focused on Christ and to take communion in a worthy manner. The command is found in 1 Corinthians 11:26-28, “For every time you eat this bread and drink this cup you are retelling the message of the Lord’s death, that he has died for you. Do this until he comes again. So if anyone eats this bread and drinks from this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner, he is guilty of sin against the body and the blood of the Lord. 28 That is why a man should examine himself carefully before eating the bread and drinking from the cup.”

Third: We wanted to take communion in a worthy manner, so we wouldn’t take it unless we were focused on Christ. This was real. I knew something was up if Mom or Dad didn’t take it! Needed to be sincere about confession, forgiveness, and love.

So, this morning, we are all here to build our relationship with Christ and help others do the same. I want to help you prepare and focus. Close your eyes or focus on the cross.

Focus on Christ. Imagine eating w Him. What is He saying to you? What are you saying to Him? 

Remember His death on the cross. Thank Him for His sacrifice. Ask Him about your sins and confess your sins. 

Think about His resurrection. Imagine Him hugging you. What victories did you have this week because of Him? Take a moment to praise God for his forgiveness and His unimaginable power. 

Sunday, January 8, 2023


My Mom got me a one-year devotional called “Mission Possible” by Tim Tebow. I asked Liam if he knew who Tim Tebow was. I thought everyone knows who Tim Tebow was, and then I realized Tim is a historical figure if you were born in 2012. For those who do not know, here are some pics of Tim. Tim led his Florida college team as a quarterback to two championships in 2007 and 2009. He played professional football and baseball.

His devotional had a one-day study on Passion. He explained we got the word passion from a Latin root word that meant to suffer. In greek, it means to be afflicted or undergo suffering. He states, “passion is not so much about getting hyped or professing our love, but at its core, true passion is our willingness to suffer. When you say you're passionate about something, what you are really saying is you are willing to suffer for it.

When you look at these pictures of Tim, you can see what he is passionate about. He is willing to suffer to make his body strong. He also stands up for his faith. He uses his athletic success as a platform to preach the gospel. 

His eye stickers state Eph 2:8-10: For it is by grace you have been saved. He prayed so much on the field that people would call kneeling to pray Tebowing! That took guts. You can bet he was anxious standing up to do what is right.

Here is someone else who used sports as a way to share his faith. On national and international TV he works through his fear. “Maybe this is not the right thing to do, but I am going to do it right now. We believe you are God.” shared his spiritual heart on TV. Passionate. Dan Orlovsky was an international quarterback. (Prayer for Damar Hamlin)

What if Tim messes up or makes mistakes? Should fear of failure keep him from his mission? 

What is Dan Orlovsky passionate about? Should his fear keep him from his mission?

Should your fear keep you from your mission? How about our church? Should fear keep us from accomplishing our church’s mission? Before Jesus died on the cross, we know he was so stressed that he sweat blood. What if Jesus had allowed fear to keep him from his mission?

Back to the Tim Tebow Devotional. “A mission mindset embraces suffering. I am not saying to be masochistic, but it’s a mentality with which you are willing to make sacrifices, push through pain, and fight for what truly matters because the mission is worth it. Jesus was passionate about dying for us so that we could have spiritual freedom. Is there a spiritual passion that you have but are not pursuing it for fear of messing up? Confess that now. Let’s pray. 

1 Peter 5:10 After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ will perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. 

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Need a Sign?

 Christmas trivia based on our communion song: The First Noel

What is noel? Christmas/first birth

Who were two major groups of people who came to visit Jesus when he was a baby?

Shepherds: Jewish and very poor

Wisemen: “Pagan”- Non-Jewish, likely very wealthy and very wise.

What were they looking for?

How did they hear about Jesus?

Shepherds- Angels- The angels were their sign.

Wisemen- Star- The star was their sign.

Have you ever needed a sign? Like the lyrics, “I need a sign to let me know you’re here.”

The shepherds knew a day would come when Jesus would arrive. They waited 400 years!  The Wisemen also were waiting based on prophecy from Daniel. 

Here is the point: Jesus came for the poorest of the poor in finances and spirit and the richest of the rich, not only in finances but spirit. Not only did he come for those people in the extreme places, but for everyone in between.  

I am not sure where this morning finds you. Maybe you are flying high loving the season, or maybe you are facing times of extreme difficulty. I bet we all have something in common with the shepherds and the Wisemen. The shepherds and Wisemen needed a sign. They asked, “where are you, God?”

Maybe, you are like many of the people before Jesus was born. They just needed a sign. They needed a sign to know that God was real and loved them. Jesus coming is your sign. Have you ever wondered what God was like? How can you truly know God? Jesus' birth was a gift. We can know what God is like because he took manly form through Jesus. He is our sign!

This week, I want to challenge you to read through John. When reading, ask yourself, what was God like? I did that to prepare for communion. The first miracle God turned water into wine. Not only did he defy the elements of water by turning them into wine, but did you know he used the water that everyone washed their hands with? He converted the dirty disgusting water into something beautiful that helped people celebrate life’s beautiful moments. 

As we focus on communion this morning, focus on three things:

  1. Jesus died for you and wants a relationship with you no matter where you are: poor or rich in spirit

  2. Jesus is God. We can know God by getting to know Jesus through reading his word.

  3. Jesus can transform us like he transformed the dirty filthy water into something completely new and life-giving.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

A Snowball To The Face

If you are a golfer, you know the feeling of everything being right, expecting to hit a drive perfectly down the fairway, getting up to the tee box, and hitting the worst opposite hit of your life. I had a similar experience in wrestling.

Our team had one the league championship four years in a row, I was a Sophomore with the opportunity to wrestle varsity against Carrollton. I had been working very hard with the team. Weigh-ins took place. I sized up my opponent and immediately had visions of a big and fast win in front of the whole school, my friends, and my family. I get out on the mat and take off confidently, pushing aggressively into my opponent. He tosses me through the air and puts me on my back. There I was, in front of the whole school, all of my friends and family fighting hard off my back. I get pinned. I was crushed. Feelings of being a failure, extreme embarrassment, frustration, and shock all consumed me. I would not talk to anyone. Then, I had to take my best friend home after the match. He did not wrestle. He was trying to cheer me up. It had been snowing, and he took a snowball and hit me in the face. “What are you doing?” “Get over it!” He said. It was painful! Hey, I can move on…reliving my past that happened 30 ish years ago!

Have you ever had a similar experience spiritually? Maybe even lately? You feel like you are growing spiritually. You are reading the word, attending bible studies, having great prayer time, making sacrifices to grow spiritually, and maybe giving a lot. If you are in school or at work, you may be going outside of your comfort zone and witnessing to others, speaking up when people are doing the wrong thing. Then the opportunity comes for the right thing or something good to happen, and you get thrown on your back. You lose your temper, you spend too much, you speak harshly, and you lose control. Or maybe something wrong happens. An unfavorable job situation, a lost relationship, or an unexpected diagnosis. It is easy to get discouraged, embarrassed, shocked, and frustrated. Feelings of failure. We may want to withdraw.

Well, here is your snowball to the face. It’s not about your comfort. Get over it. It’s about your character. It is about who you become. We, as your brothers and sisters in Christ, love you. We are here for you. Jesus died for you because he loves you. As we prepare for communion, I want to share a few of my favorite scriptures I have memorized for when life situations throw me on my back unexpectedly:

James 1: 2-4  Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking 

Romans 5: 3-5 Not only so, but we[a] also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. 

Phil 4: 12-13  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

John 15:4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

Let’s pray. Father, it feels amazing to have our debt paid off. Thank you for dying for us. We do not deserve the love you show us. We are sorry, we confess, lead us to serve you. In Jesus name.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Our Church: A Launchpad for Generations

 As we prepare for communion this morning, we pause to remember the past. Some of my earliest memories in life are at church. I had a big wheel at Beechwood and would ride down a cement sidewalk and hit the blacktop parking lot going at least 80 mph, hit the brake, turn the wheel, and do the most awesome spin-outs ever! I hate to admit this. Confession is therapeutic. I remember sneaking to taste communion. Yes, I repented. I remember trying to jump down the highest number of steps possible. I would go as high as possible without a severe sense of pain in my legs upon landing. I think seven was the magic number.

I remember I didn’t want Ed Smith, the man in charge of starting this church, to leave in 1982. He had been a source of leadership, stability, and security for my family. I remember him talking about being called to start more churches in stark county, but my six-year-old mind struggled with not wanting more churches if that meant he was leaving Beechwood. 

I remember when Ed invited my sister to sing at one of the first church locations, the Louisville Constitution Center. I spoke with Joanne Rossow and told her I remember walking in and seeing all the glass. She said, “we were called the church in the fish bowl because everyone could see in.” I remember my sister singing in the fishbowl. I remember playing sardines, prayer walks, and Wednesday and Sunday night youth group-Sunday Night Live. I remember all the Sunday School and Youth group leaders who poured their hearts and souls into my spiritual growth.  I remember people who have come and gone who didn’t give up on my family, and I remember my baptism. 

Probably most of all, I remember communion. I remember every Sunday taking an inventory of my behaviors. I remember caring about my teenage habits. Every Sunday was a new beginning. It was an opportunity to give one more go, remembering I was forgiven, and that I wanted to show my love for Christ by growing. 

Communion is a time to remember Christ’s sacrifice and to examine our hearts. That includes praying about our habits. As we reflect on our past and the importance of the church to spread the love of Christ, this week, I have found myself asking what habits lead the Dehoffs, the Rossows, and the Browns to remain committed to this church. You can bet they all had their feelings hurt, times of disappointment, and times when expectations weren’t met. However, they all had a God-given vision, a dream, and a commitment to the great commission right here in Louisville. 

When it comes to not giving up on people, I see you all as leaders in the community. I want you to find hope, fuel, and inspiration to pursue your missions here. Our church is a launchpad to do His work in His community.

As you reflect, I want you all to know this church was sown in love w a vision to win thousands and millions to Christ and to be a place where all people can practice life w one another and work toward the joy of realizing our salvation and being transformed in Christ. 

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Louisville Christian Church History

 History of LCC: Rick Brown and Joann Rossow as contributors in addition to my memories.

Good Morning. My name is Andy Beltz. I am one of the elders here at LCC. We are excited for what is going on here at our church. We are so thankful for what is about to happen. As we prepare to pay off our church loan, we want you to know more about our church, what we are doing, where we have been, and where we are going. Last Sunday, you heard from Russ about our great outreach programs. This morning, I get to talk about a topic that is near and dear to my heart, and I will share why. 

I want you to know I am going to talk about our past briefly now and also at communion. As we prepare to worship this morning, listen to our past and ask, what can we learn from our past to guide our present and our future? What story has our Father in Heaven written in our church, and what story will be told years from now? 

In 1982 LCC was planted by an evangelistic organization called Northeastern Association of Helpers (NOAH), based in Hartville. Three area churches provided five total church family members to help make up the core of the newly-founded church: The Indian Run Christian Church in Osnaburg Twp, The Minerva First Christian Church, and The Beechwood Christian Church near Maximo. Two out of the five original families continue to serve today. Thank you, Pat Dehoff and Joann Rossow, for all you have done and continue to do for our church.

This small group eventually grew to a little under 50 people who formed the nucleus of the church. They soon purchased the six acres plot the building is currently located on (according to Joanne, they purchased a plot South of the current plot and then purchased the one we are on now). Ed Smith was the pastor of Beechwood and became the Director of NOAH. I will share more about Ed during communion, but as a six-year-old member of Beechwood, I remember when we helped launch this church. Ed served as this Church’s 1st minister.

Over its first six years, the church had three different ministers, and attendance wavered between 40 and 100. The church met in various rented facilities. One was the Louisville Constitution Center, known by some locals at the time as “The Fish Bowl,” near where the police station is catty-corner from Dairy Queen. By the fall of 1988, attendance had dwindled to 40. They had no minister and some considered closing. Remaining true to the Great Commission, the decision was made to hire another minister to rebuild the church. That fall, Rick and Holly Brown was hired, and Rick began ministry at LCC on Jan 1, 1989. 

The church began a capital-raising program and building on this property in early 1990. That fall, a telemarketing and direct mail campaign was initiated to promote and invite residents to the Grand Opening Service of LCC in its first building on Nov. 11, 1989. 201 people were in attendance.

The attendance after that service settled @ 125, and the church has grown slowly, but steadily ever since. Building programs to add space were conducted in 1994 and 2004. Today attendance runs an average of 275, with over 390 people who attend here regularly.

The church added a Youth Minister to the staff in 1998. Tony Wolfe, our current Youth Minster, is the 3rd we have had in that position. He started ministry here in 2006. A Children's Minister was added to the staff in 2014. That position was split into two positions by Holly Brown, who served as Children's Director for seven years. She recruited and mentored Season Kerr & Jenna Dente

- who currently lead our children's program.

As we worship together this morning, may we praise God for the people who helped bring us to this moment in time and for the lives transformed in Christ through the work here.

My Notes:

Spoke with Joan ROSSOW who did not recall the church ever having a hard time enough to discuss closing. She did not recall getting to the point where they were trying to decide whether to close or hire a new pastor.

Original families from Beechwood

Lynn and Sandy Burrier, Ed and Bonnie Smith, John and Dianne Porter, Mary and Marrianne Dehoff, Pat and Millard Dehoff

Minerva First Christian Church Rick and Joanne Rossow, 

Indian Run, Mel and Gail Long