Sunday, October 6, 2024

Marvelous Light!

Marvelous Light

As we prepare for communion this morning, let’s reflect on the song we just sang, *Marvelous Light*. This week, I spent a lot of time meditating on its words. At first, they felt like just words—maybe because I was distracted by work and life. But as I prayed and kept the song in my heart, the meaning began to take root.

The opening line says, *“I once was fatherless.”* This reminded me of when life was all about me—when I pursued my will instead of God’s. Johnny Chang, an ex-gang member who turned his life around through Christ, said that living for ourselves leads to destruction. We can see this in the headlines today, where the "all-about-me" mindset often leads to tragedy.

*“Your kindness wakens me, Your love beckons deeply.”* Christ’s love stirs something within us. It draws us toward the cross, where we find true life. His love pulls us away from chasing our own desires and points us to something greater.

*“Sin has lost its power.”* This doesn’t happen by us trying harder to avoid sin. Instead, it happens when we see temptation as a chance to show God our love. Grace weakens sin’s grip.

Death has lost its sting because, in Christ, we know death is not the end. We are alive forever in Him!

Running into His marvelous light isn’t just an emotional moment—it’s a daily choice to turn away from our self-centered ways and live for Christ. Out of darkness, out of shame, we stop following our appetites and start following Him, forming new, Christ-centered habits.

*“By the cross.”* This isn’t just about following a great teacher. It’s about following the God who raised Christ from the dead. It’s about living by His truth, not by our feelings.

Living this way takes relentless practice and effort. Coming to the communion table is a time to recharge and refocus. We won’t always feel like lifting our hands or celebrating, but as we grow in Him, those moments of joy will come more often. We’ll realize more fully that we’re living in His marvelous light.

Let’s pray:

Father, we thank You for the cross and for Christ’s victory. Thank You for the truth that sets us free. We confess the times we’ve been spiritually asleep, following our own will. Help us to live by Your cross, walking in Your marvelous light. In Jesus’ name, Amen.