As we prepare for communion- A time to remember Jesus and His sacrifice for our sins, I want to encourage you all not to be like "little Andy."
Before I go into detail, I am going to give you four words to remember and repeat back after my short communion thought: Protects. Trusts. Hopes. Perseveres.
Do you remember receiving gifts as a kid? Do you remember how excited you were? Did you ever open one present and then without pausing to think about what you had just received hurry and open the next present? That is how "little Andy" sometimes handled his gift opening. Sometimes the temptation to see what was next overcame my ability to focus on the gift I had just received.
As communion time is here we are encouraged to examine our hearts. We are charged to take the bread which represents his body that was broken for us and the juice which represents his blood that was shed for us with a focus on Christ. I remember some Sundays growing up when my Dad would not take communion. His focus was off. Whether it be a problem at home or at work, he would not take communion unless his focus was strong enough to be on Christ.
If you are like me, you struggle with focus at times. What were the four words you were asked to remember?
I am going to pray and teach you how these four words help me focus during communion. Feel free to use the same exercise at this time to help you not be like "little Andy."
Dear Jesus, thank you for protecting us through your death, burial, and resurrection. Thank you for predicting your death, dying, and coming back to life which allows us to trust that you are who you said you are and that you will do what you said you would do. Thank you for the hope of heaven. Thank you Holy Spirit for giving us the power to be relentless in perseverance. Amen