Jonas' Thoughts

Transformation (adapted from Andy Stanley’s Character sermon series) by: Jonas
1. Why are we here today?
a. Mainly we are here to be TRANSFORMED…TRANSFORMED to reflect the character of Christ
2. Can WE produce that character? No..we can only produce better versions of ourselves at most, only GOD can manufacture this character THROUGH us.
3. John 15:5 gives us a good illustration of this
a. I am the vine you are the branches, abide in me and you will bear much fruit
4. This is a SHIFT from my normal thinking…it doesn’t say try real hard Jonas and you can bear much fruit…it says ABIDE in me
a. Keep your focus on ABIDE, staying close, remaining in Him…focus on the RELATIONSHIP…then the fruit will grow
b. Remember Christ died so that we could have that relationship…not so we could work harder to fix ourselves
c. A great way to keep this focus is to constantly tell yourself when trouble comes “I can’t, but god CAN!!!”, “I can’t, but god CAN!!!”
5. So what do we know so far JESUS is the model and ABIDING is the method….not working harder…ABIDING
6. What is our role in the mean time? Romans 12 says we will be TRANSFORMED by the RENEWING our minds. How do we do this?
a. The word says first we must take off the OLD. The old is all the lies and mistruths we have learned that hold us captive
b. After we take off the old we put on the new, by MEMORIZING God’s truths, so they can roll off our tongue, just like when Jesus was tempted by Satan for every LIE Satan gave him Jesus instantly responded with “IT IS WRITTEN”..He gave the truth that countered the lie
7. 1st goal Andy gave for transformation was to memorize 5 scriptures this year, so I would challenge you to be SPECIFIC, by memorizing scripture that counteracts the different areas you struggle in so it can roll off your tongue when temptation comes
a. 4 good things to do with this are: Speak them aloud, Personalize the scriptures putting your name in them, Pray the scriptures, parents pray them with your kids, Meditate on them daily
8. Remember we can NOT manufacture the character of Christ, but GOD can manufacture it THROUGH us & We are TRANSFORMED by the renewing of our minds by taking off the old lies and replacing them by memorizing God’s truths